What is Access Modifier?

Objects in .NET are created from a class, struct, etc.  These definitions, as well as the properties, methods, or events within them, use an access modifer that determines who can access it.  A class or structure outside of the current class definition or even the in different projects have different access rights depending on the type of accessor used.  Take a look at the accessors below:
Access modifiers determine the extent to which a variable or method can be accessed from another class or object

The following five accessibility levels can be specified using the access modifiers

    * Private
    * Protected
    * Internal
    * Protected internal
    * Public 
This makes the member visible globally
Eg. class Gremlin { public Gremlin spawn() { return new Gremlin(); } }

This makes the member visible to the current class and to child classes.  Protected members are only accessible in the same class or through inherited classes.
Eg. class ParentClass { protected int valueA; }
class ChildClass { public void doSomething() { valueA = 3; } }

This makes the member visible only to the current class.
Eg. class MyCollection { private int lastIndex; }

internal / Friend
This makes the member visible within the same assembly.
Eg. internal class ProprietaryStuff { }

protected internal / Protected Friend
A combination of protected and internal.  This makes the member visible within the same assembly and also makes the member visible to an inheriting class. An inheriting class does not need to be in the same assembly to access the member.

Diffrence between SQL Server 2000, 2005 & 2008



1.Query Analyser and Enterprise manager are separate.
2.No XML datatype is used.
3.We can create maximum of 65,535 databases.
13.cant compress the tables and indexes.
14.Datetime datatype is used for both date and time.
15.No varchar(max) or varbinary(max) is available.
16.No table datatype is included.
17.No SSIS is included.
18.CMS is not available.
19.PBM is not available.
20.PIVOT and UNPIVOT functions are not used.


1.Both are combined as SSMS(Sql Server management Studio).
2.XML datatype is introduced.
3.We can create 2(pow(20))-1 databases.
4.Exception Handling
5.Varchar(Max) data type
6.DDL Triggers
7.DataBase Mirroring
8.RowNumber function for paging
9.Table fragmentation
10.Full Text Search
11.Bulk Copy Update
12.Cant encrypt
13.Can Compress tables and indexes.(Introduced in 2005 SP2)
14.Datetime is used for both date and time.
15.Varchar(max) and varbinary(max) is used.
16.No table datatype is included.
17.SSIS is started using.
18.CMS is not available.
19.PBM is not available.
20.PIVOT and UNPIVOT functions are used.

[u]SQL SERVER 2008:

1.Both are combined as SSMS(Sql Server management Studio).
2.XML datatype is used.
3.We can create 2(pow(20))-1 databases.
4.Exception Handling
5.Varchar(Max) data type
6.DDL Triggers
7.DataBase Mirroring
8.RowNumber function for paging
9.Table fragmentation
10.Full Text Search
11.Bulk Copy Update
12.Can encrypt the entire database introduced in 2008.
--check it(http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc278098(SQL.100).aspx)
13.Can compress tables and indexes.
14.Date and time are seperately used for date and time datatype,geospatial and timestamp with internal timezone
is used.
15.Varchar(max) and varbinary(max) is used.
16.Table datatype introduced.
17.SSIS avails in this version.
18.Central Management Server(CMS) is Introduced.
19.Policy based management(PBM) server is Introduced.
20.PIVOT and UNPIVOT functions are used.
Generic Κλασς

What are Generic Classes

    Generic classes are classes that can hold objects of any class. Containers such as Lists, Arrays, Bags and Sets are examples of generic classes. Container classes have the property that the type of objects they contain is of little interest to the definer of the container class but of crucial importance to the user of the particular container. Therefore, the type of the contained object is an argument to the container class. The definer specifies the container class in terms of this argument and the user specifies what the type of the contained object is to be for the particular container.

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