This is an interface:

public interface ISectionFacts
        DataSet GetSectionFacts(int SectionFactID);

This is DAL
 public class SectionFactsDAL : ISectionFacts
      public DataSet GetSectionFacts(int SectionFactID)
             write down the code here to call the sp and return dataset;

Thisis the service class

public partial class SectionsService : ISectionFact
// Call the DAL function from here
public DataSet GetSectionFacts(int SectionFactID)
                SectionFactsDAL objDAL = new SectionFactsDAL();
                return objDAL.GetSectionFacts(SectionFactID);

This is the service which reference will be added in the project

public partial class SectionsService : ISectionsService

        #region ISectionsService Members

Now bulid this and run the service and add the service reference in the application by Add Service Reference and run the application. this is the SOA Architecture.

Comments (1)

On June 15, 2011 at 3:15 AM , harish chandna said...

This is the SOA Architecture widly used in .Net. Here is the brief explantion about it.